Friday, January 25, 2008

26 Weeks

We had our 26 week appointment and everything is going well. At this appointment, I did the glucose screening for gestational diabetes. It wasn't too bad, but it's certainly not anything I would ever look forward to. Apparently, I'm lucky because the sugar drink that I was given was lemon-lime flavor. Before you think that doesn't sound too bad, think about what a 2 week old Sprite tastes like...yum, right? :( If the results come back to show that I don't have gestational diabetes, then I won't have to worry about enjoying the drink again anytime soon!

Larry and I found out that we will have our next ultrasound at 28 weeks. We're very excited about seeing our two little cuties! I'm really looking forward to seeing how much they've grown and what they are looking like these days.

As for what I'm looking like these days...I've had several requests for a picture of me. Ah, the dreaded pregnancy picture. But, I'm proud of how our kiddos are growing, so I'll indulge you all! At the appointment, I measured at 33 weeks. That is 7 weeks ahead of where I actually was at that point. It's pretty normal for a woman carrying twins to measure 6-8 weeks ahead, so I'm right on track. I can't see my feet anymore, but I can still (with great effort) tie my tennis shoes! I've made my friend, Mary, promise to tell me when I need a pedicure.

27 Weeks


adrianhitt said...

OMG!!! You look so beautiful and you are GLOWING! simply gorgeous.

Sarah said... look stunning!!! I'm totally impressed!!! :) Love the updates.

Anonymous said...

It's just my opinion, but like I say every chance I get....YOU LOOK GREAT!

Lori said...

How is it you look so incredible? Much better than J-Lo, trust me.

Unknown said...

You look so beautiful Ashley!